Group Lesson Plan Project
Bitmoji Classroom made by Briquelle du Bellier
Teacher Samples + Responsibilities
Lauren : Anticipatory Set and Rubric

Briquelle - Art History Component and Group Presentation Organizer

For our group lesson plan we focused on the importance of teaching students how to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle in order to cut down on pollution created by "fast fashion". Through history lessons on the industrial revolution, textile artist high-lights, fun videos that students relate to, and worksheets that tie each aspect of the lesson plan together with vocabulary and guessing games, we aimed to create a project that shows students how each of them can help make a difference.
In order to show students that they can easily up-cycle their own clothes, and help reduce the waste that fast fashion creates, we decided to introduce them to natural dying and how easy it is to convert a t-shirt into a bag!
I believe that right off the bat our group was in this together. We each worked hard on our own separate aspects of the project, and helped each other out along the way with feedback and brainstorming. I learned so much throughout this project and can't wait to try out this lesson plan in a real classroom setting. Thank you all so much!!!
Christian - Worksheet/Transition Assignment and Photo Editor

Diem-Mi - Lesson Plan and Safety Sheet

Arcadia - Step by Step instruction and group coordinator